Electromovilidad: conceptos, polÃticas y lecciones aprendidas para el Perú / Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión en EnergÃa y MinerÃa.Lima: OSINERGMIN, 2019.
Economics of the environment: selected readings / Stavins, Robert N. ed..New York: W.W. Norton, 2019.
The development of eco-efficiency in industry / Fussler, Claude.Fuente: Industry and Environment., 4, October-December: 1994.
Rubber tyre recycling / Liaskos, Jim.Fuente: Industry and Environment., 3, July-September: 1994.
Glass recycling in the UK: minimizing environmental impacts / Morris, A.; Kannah, K.; Barlow, D.K..Fuente: Industry and Environment., 3, July-September: 1994.
Mechanical recycling of plastics: environmental performance and economics / Ratcliffe, Alan.Fuente: Industry and Environment., 3, July-September: 1994.
Relleno ahorrador de costos en mina de plomo evita también problemas del medio ambiente / Peschken, Peter.Fuente: MinerÃa Pan-Americana., 2, junio: 1995.
Chiller refrigeration ODS phase-out alternatives / GEF.Washington: , 1994.
Domestic refrigeration refrigerant alternatives / Kuijpers, Lambert J..Washington: GEF.
CFC-12 to HCFC-22 plant conversion: OORG production sector case studies / Harris, Michael.Washington: GEF, 1994.
Turning points: the development-environment relationship / Forrest, Anne S..Washington: Environmental Law Institute, 1995.
Operational interpretations of incremental costs and eligible expenditures / GEF.Washington: , 1992.
The cost-effectiveness of GEF projects / Anderson, Dennis; Williams, Robert H..Washington: Global Environment Facility, 1993.
Beneficios económicos de la carretera interoceánica / Bonifaz, José Luis; Urrunaga, Roberto.Lima: Universidad del PacÃfico, 2008.
The keys to the car: electric and hydrogen vehicles for the 21st century / MacKenzie, James J..Washington: World Resources Institute, 1994.
Application of biologically derived products as fuels or additives in combustion engines / Comunidades Europeas. Comisión. Science, Research and Development.Brussels: , 1994.
Local environmental benefits y cost allocation for GEF global warming projects / Rosebrock, Jens.Washington: GEF, 1994.
Risk and uncertainty: selection criteria for projects offering net positive domestic benefits / Mathus, Subodh C..Washington: GEF, 1994.
Regulatory impact analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the metal products and machinery industry, phase 1 / Tudor, Lynne G..Washington: Environmental Protection Agency, 1995.
Cost-effectiveness analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the centralized waste treatment industry / Burris, Susan M..Washington: Environmental Protection Agency. Engineering and Analysis Division, 1995.
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