Encouraging private sector support for biodiversity conservation: the use of economic incentives and legal tools / Bowles, Ian A.; Downes, David R; Clark, Dana; Guerin-McManus, Marianne.Washington: Conservation International, 1995.
A participatory approach to biodiversity conservation: the regional priority setting workshop / Mittermeier, Russell A.; Bowles, Ian A.; Cavalcanti, R.B.; Olivieri, S.T.; Fonseca, G.A.B. da.Washington: Conservation International, 1994.
A participatory approach to biodiversity conservation: the regional priority setting workshop / Bowles, Ian A..Washington: Conservation International, 1994.
Reframing the green window: an analysis of the GEF pilot phase approach to biodiversity and global warming and recommendations for the operational phase / Bowles, Ian A.; Prickett, Glenn T..Washington: Conservation International, 1994.
An analysis of the GEF's pilot phase approach to biodiversity and global warming / Bowles, Ian A.; Prickett, Glenn T..Washington: Conservation International; Natural Resources Defense Council, 1993.
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