Pag. 9
The free trade area of the americas: toward an environmental dimension / Gallagher, Kevin; Young, Chris; Guggnheim, Paul., 1998.
The 'trade and environment' agenda: survey of major issues and proposals: from Marrakesh to Singapore / UICN.Cambridge: IUCN, 1997.
Trade, environment, and the WTO: a framework for moving forward / Sampson, Gary.Washington: Overseas Development Council, 1999.
The WTO multilateral trade agenda and the south / South Centre.Geneva: The South Centre, 1998.
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Environmental benefits of removing trade restricions and distortions / World Trade Organization.Geneva: WTO, 1997.
Reconciling trade, environment and development policies: the role of development co-operation / OECD.Paris: .
Fomentando el desarrollo sustentable en la Cumbre de las Américas / Richardson, Sarah.Washington: Mesa Redonda Sobre el Medio Ambiente y la EconomÃa; National Audubon Society; National Wildlife Federation, 1994.
Comercio exterior y polÃtica ambiental en el Perú / Charpentier, Silvia; Fishe, Federico; Hidalgo, Jessica.Lima: CONFIEP; Proyecto PAPI-USAID, 1997.
Eficiencia del mercado de vehÃculos en el Perú / Apoyo ConsultorÃa.Lima: Apoyo, 1995.
Comercio y medio ambiente: derecho, economÃa y polÃtica / Centro Mexicano de Derecho Ambiental.México: CEMDA, 1995.
Regional trade agreements and the environment / Charnovitz, Steve..
Health before profits: an access guide to trade unions and environmental justice South Africa / Lukey, Peter.Braamfontein: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung; Environmental Justice Networking Forum, 1995.
Canadian agricultural forecast focus / WEFA Group.Toronto: , 1995.
The greening of world trade / McAlpine, Jan C., ed.; LeDonne, Patricia, ed..Washington: Trade and Environment Committee; Environmental Protection Agency. National Advisory Council for Environmental Policy and Technology, 1993.
Promoting environmental standards through trade and other legal mechanisms / Zaelke, Durwood.Washington: Center for International Environmental Law, 1994.
CITES: a conservation tool for timber species threatened by trade?: an information guide for WWF - The World Wide Fund for Nature / Broad, S.; Callister, D..WWF, 1994.
Comentario sobre la normativa relativa a la evitación de desechos de embalajes: consecuencias para el comercio mayorista y de importación de frutas y hortalizas / Schmack, Gertrud.Bonn: , 1991.
Environmental management of multinational and transnational corporations: policies, practices, and recommendations / Hansen, Michael; Gleckman, Harris R.; Himmelberg, Jeffrey.New York: United Nations. Transnational Corporations and Management Division, 1993.
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