Economics of the environment: selected readings / Stavins, Robert N. ed..New York: W.W. Norton, 2019.
Defending against daily fines and punitive damages under CERCLA: the meaning of "without sufficient cause" / Donald, Wylie.Fuente: Columbia Journal of Environmental Law., 1, 1994.
PolÃticas ambientales para una ciudad sustentable / Quadri de la Torre, Gabriel.Fuente: Comercio Exterior., 10, oct-95.
Cuánto es?: valoración económica de los bienes y servicios del sistema natural / Castañeda Varas, Omar.Fuente: Medio Ambiente., 64, abril-mayo: 1995.
European Community Green Paper on remedying damage to the environment COM (93)47 / Wilkinson, David.Fuente: European Environmental Law Review., 6, June 1993.
An appraisal of assessment of damage to the environment / Wilkinson, David.Fuente: European Environmental Law Review., 4, April 1993.
Cleaning up ancient soil contamination: who bears the cost? / Van Passel, Marc.Fuente: European Environmental Law Review., 2, February 1993.
Internationalization of environmental costs and implications for the trading system / Elliot, Geoffrey.Toronto: Noranda Forest, 1994.
Trade and biological diversity: the internalization of environmental costs / McNeely, Jeffrey A..Ginebra: GATT, 1994.
La elección pública y las externalidades / Samuelson, Paul; Nordhaus, William D...
The role of the city in environmental management / Foster, David.Bangkok: AID, 1992.
El empleo de incentivos económicos en la protección del medio ambiente / Pascó-Font, Alberto; Montoya S., Andrés.Lima: Universidad del PacÃfico, 1993.
The going rate: what it really costs to drive / MacKenzie, James J.; Dower, Roger C.; Chen, Donald D.T..Washington: World Resources Institute, 1992.
Swedish environmental debt: a report on how the environmental debt develops if we do nothing / Jemlöv, Arne.Stockholm: Environmental Advisory Council, 1994.
Prosperity without pollution: the preventive strategy for industry and consumers / Hirschhorn, Joel S.; Oldenburg, Kirsten U..New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991.
Green ledgers: case studies in corporate environmental accounting / Ditz, Daryl W., ed.; Ranganathan, Janet, ed.; Banks, R. Darryl, ed..Washington: Instituto de Recursos Mundiales, 1995.
Environmental and resource accounting in the Chesapeake Bay region / Environmental Protection Agency.Washington: , 1992.
Economic incentives as policy instruments for environmental and sustainable development / Schanzenbacher, Bernd.Nairobi: , 1995.
The internalization of environmental costs and the implications for the trading system / Ferretti, Janine.Pollution Probe, 1994.
Conferência internacional de direito ambientalEnvironmental damage in the USSR / Kolbasov, O.S...
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