Pag. 19
Plan general de desarrollo económico y social de la República: el cambio para todos / Bolivia. Ministerio de Desarrollo Sostenible y Medio Ambiente.La Paz: , 1994.
Paz, desarrollo y medio ambiente / Boutros-Ghali, Boutros.Santiago de Chile: CEPAL, 1992.
Environmentalists are in the run / Dowd, Ann Reilly..
The 1992-1993 California energy plan / California Energy Commission.Sacramento: , 1993.
Sustainable use of the wildlife and the international development donor organizations / Adams, April L..Washington: Human Society of the United States, 1994.
Panama: summary on environment and development /Panamá: , 1993.
EconomÃa y ecologÃa: encuentros y desencuentros / Garrido-Lecca, Hernán.Lima: Fundación Friedrich Ebert, 1994.
Sustainable development and the environment: FAO policies and actions Stockholm 1972-Rio 1992 / FAO.Rome: , 1994.
Plan nacional de protección y mejoramiento ambiental: estrategia nacional de conservación / González J., Gustavo R.; Purcait, Azael; Illueca Bonett, Jorge E..Panamá: Ministerio de Planificación y PolÃtica Económica. Comisión Nacional del Medio Ambiente, 1989.
Situación forestal en Panamá /.
The Second India revisited: population, poverty, and environmental stress over two decades / Repetto, Robert.Washington: WRI, 1994.
Compact for a new world: an open letter to the heads of state and government and legislators of the Americas / New World Dialogue on Environment and Development in the Western Hemisphere.Washington: WRI, 1991.
America's energy choices: investing in a strong economy and a clean environment: executive summary / Alliance to Save Energy.Cambridge: Union of Concerned Scientists, 1991.
Reforming Federal environmental assessment: a discussion paper / Federal Environmental Assessment Review Office.Quebec: .
Hacia un nuevo pacto internacional para el desarrollo sustentable: perspectivas de América Latina y el Caribe / Tudela, Fernando.Washington: BID, 1992.
The state of the environment in Switzerland: summary / Office Fédéral de l'Environnement, des Forêts et du Paysage.Bern: , 1991.
The Americas in 1989: consensus for action: a report of the Inter-American Dialogue / Inter-American Dialogue.Washington: Aspen Institute, 1989.
Estrategia nacional de biodiversidad: resumen de actividades / Colombia. Ministerio del Medio Ambiente.Santa Fe de Bogotá: , 1994.
Towards a European ecological network / Bennett, Graham, ed..Arnhem: Institute for European Environmental Policy, 1991.
United Kingdom environmental technology / Reino Unido. Department of Trade and Industry.London: Department of Trade and Industry, 1994.
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