Pag. 11
The convention on biological diversity: seeds of green trade? / Downes, David R., 1994.
El Inbio en Costa Rica: desestatización, privatización y comercialización de la biodiversidad / Gudynas, Eduardo.Montevideo: , 1995.
Environmental management in transnational corporations: report on the Benchmark Corporate Environmental Survey / UNCTAD. Programa sobre las Empresas Transnacionales.New York: United Nations, 1993.
Building local capacity: human resources for conservation / Conservation International.Washington: , 1994.
The Tagua initiative: marketing biodiversity products / Tangley, Laura.Washington: Conservation International, 1993.
Mapping biodiversity: computers and conservation priorities / Conservation International.Washington: , 1992.
Biological diversity in forest ecosystems: a position of the Society of American Foresters / Society of American Foresters.Bethesda: , 1991.
Bounty of a harsh and meager land / Iltis, Hugh H..New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1986.
The biodiversity information clearing house: concept and challenges / Crain, Ian K., comp..Cambridge: World Conservation Press, 1994.
Biodiversity data sourcebook / Groombridge, Brian, ed..Cambridge: World Conservation Press, 1994.
Biodiversity prospecting: rules of the game / Downes, David R.Washington: CIEL, 1994.
Biodiversity prospecting: using innovative contractual provisions to foster ethnobotanical knowledge, technology and conservation / Rubin, Steven M.; Fish, Stanwood C..Denver: University Press of Colorado, 1994.
The economic value of species information and its role in biodiversity conservation: Costa Rica's National Biodiversity Institute / Aylward, Bruce A..London: IIED, 1993.
Fruits of the rainforest / Prance, Ghillean., 1990.
Biodiversity / Russell, Sarah.Gland: WWF, 1993.
Sharing the land wildlife, people and development in Africa / Makombe, Kudzai, ed..Harare: IUCN. Regional Office for Southern Africa, 1993.
Biological diversity conservation and the law: legal mechanisms for conserving species and ecosystems / Klemm, Cyrille de; Shine, Clare.Gland: IUCN, 1993.
Long-term monitoring of biological diversity in tropical forest areas: methods for establishment and inventory of permanent plots / Dallmeier, Francisco, ed..Paris: UNESCO, 1992.
Conservación y desarrollo / Fundación Natura.Quito: , 1991.
Canada's agricultural and trade policies: implications for renewal and biodiversity / Sopuck, Robert D..Ottawa: National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1993.
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