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The economic values of microbial genetic resources / World Federation for Culture Colections., 1998.
Memorias del Taller / WWF.Washington: , 1996.
Proyectos integrados de conservación y desarrollo: una opción prometedora para la conservación de las áreas naturales protegidas / Yallico, Luis Angel..
Communities safeguard biodiversity for food security / FAO/ITC..
UNEP: a partner in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity / UNEP..
Backgroun documentation /Bratislava: , 1998.
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Globalización y respeto a la diversidad cultural y ecológica / Nugkuag Ikanan, Evaristo.Cusco: Consejo Aguaruna y Huambisa, 1997.
Submissions by governments and organisations on the focused work programme for forest biological diversity / UNEP.Bratislava: , 1998.
The application of the Convention on Biological Diversity with regard to the exercise of Indigenous people's natural rights under Australia's Commonwalth, State and Territory Law: Queensland: a case study / Fourmile, Henrique., 1996.
Informe del Foro Global de la Biodiversidad / UICN..
Encouraging policy dialogue: an agenda for reformulation on access to genetic resources policy in Indonesia / Muhtaman, Dwi R.Montreal: , 1997.
Human population, biodiversity and protected areas: Science and policy issues. Report of a workshop / Dompka, Victoria, ed..Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2996.
Sharing the non-monetary benefits of agricultural biodiversity / UNEP.Bratislava: , 1998.
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Biodiversidad, biotecnologÃa y el desarrollo sustentable en la AmazonÃa / Brack Egg, Antonio.Quito: UICN, 1993.
Memoria del seminario-taller biodiversidad y desarrollo sostenible de la AmazonÃa en una economÃa de mercado / Toledo, José M., ed..Lima: INIA; Gobierno Regional de Ucayali, 1994.
The conference of the parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity / WWF.Gland: , 1994.
A clearing-house mechanism to promote and facilitate technical and scientific cooperation under the UN Convention on Biological Diversity: discussion paper / Rosemarin, Arno, ed..Stockholm: Stockholm Environment Institute, 1994.
Linking mechanisms for biodiversity information / Canhos, D.A.L.; Canhos, V.; Kirsop, B..Sao Paulo: Fundaçao Tropical de Pesquisas e Tecnologia 'André Tosello', 1994.
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