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Integrating biodiverstiy: a european community strategy for action / European Comission.Luxembourg: , 1998.
Is market-oriented forest conservation a contradiction in terms? / Crook, Carolyn; Clapp, Roger..
Investing in biodiversity conservation / Inter-American Development Bank.Washington: , 1997.
Biodiversity in World Bank projects: a portfolio update / The World Bank..
Integrating freshwater biodiversity conservation with development: some emerging lessons / The World Bank.Washington: , 1998.
In defense of local community knowledge and biodiversity: a conceptual framework ant the essential elements of a rights regime / Singh Nijar, Gurdial.Penang: Third World Network, 1996.
Canadian biodiversity strategy: Canada's response to the Convention on Biological Diversity / Minister of Supply Aand Services.Quebec: , 1995.
Guide to information management: in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity / UNEP.Nairobi: , 1996.
New and additional?: financial resources for biodiversity conservation in developing countries 1987-1994 / Birdlife International.Sandy: .
The environment in switzerland 1997 / Swiss Federal Statistical Office; Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forest and Landscapes.Bern: , 1997.
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