The environmental strategy of the European Union towards the CIS and the CEECs / Newland, Amy Reigle.Fuente: European Environmental Law Review., 5, may-94.
Chiller refrigeration ODS phase-out alternatives / GEF.Washington: , 1994.
Transitional and zero ODS domestic refrigerator/freezer insulating foam alternatives / Jeffs, Michael.Washington: GEF, 1994.
Zero ODS foam pre-insulated pipe alternatives / GEF.Washington: , 1994.
Technical considerations for chlorofluorocarbon alternatives production in developing countries / GEF.Washington: , 1993.
Reducing ODS use in developing countries in domestic refrigerator/freezer insulating foams / GEF.Washington: , 1993.
Reducing ODS use in foam-blown pre-insulated pipes (with particular reference to Poland) / GEF.Washington: , 1992.
Reducing ODS use by developing countries in refrigeration / GEF.Washington: , 1992.
Urban waste water and sanitation: responding to household and community demand / Bartone, Carl.Washington: World Bank, 1994.
Conservation finance and policy accessing international donors: guidelines, Europe, Japan United States / Nature Conservancy.Arlington: , 1995.
Report of the first global forum on environmental funds / UICN; Nature Conservancy; WWF.Washington: UICN, 1994.
Instrument for the establishment of the restructured Global Environment Facility / Global Environment Facility.Geneva: , 1994.
List of World Bank financed projects with potential for NGO involvement / Banco Mundial.Washington: World Bank, 1992.
List of World Bank financed projects with potential for NGO involvement / Banco Mundial.Washington: World Bank, 1991.
The World Bank and the environment: first annual report, fiscal 1990 / Banco Mundial.Washington: World Bank, 1990.
Informe anual 1992 / Corporación Interamericana de Inversiones.Washington: , 1993.
Issues and options in the design of GEF supported trust funds for biodiversity conservation / GEF.Washington: , 1995.
Bolivia: biodiversity conservation / GEF.Washington: , 1992.
United Mexican States, Banco Nacional de Obras y Servicios Públicos: high efficiency lighting pilot / GEF., 1994.
Republic of Ecuador: biodiversity protection project / GEF., 1994.
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